went out with the carrots ytd! really missed them like shit! watched money no enough2 had our dinner at pasta mania! well let pictures do the talking!

conintern buddies!

failed to act like the characters in the mummy!

yo yo yo conintern buddies yo!

the asshole.

lirui failed.again.

and i'm behind!!! argh.

group picture!
we'll have another outing soon!!!!
woah damn shag ytd.slept at 2plus.first time man.
ytd gina,dinah,ws and gerard came over to my house to do our 1st draft of WR and i must say ytd's session was damn productive! ytd was the first time we actually met up to do pw.normally we would meet up online.so yup! we'll continue on tues during pw tutorial!
we did from 10 to 6plus. after that went to use the com and had dinner.then use the com again till 9plus before chging and going to cine to watch the mummy at 1120pm with my 2nd bro&gf and sister.it was quite a nice show, but its only 1.5 hrs? quite short.felt that the movie proceeded too fast.but still it was nice!
reached home at 1plus.bathed.slept at 2 plus.woke up at 9plus and watched some hk dramas and now after typing this i've to get back to my tutorials.damn sian.tmr starts another week again.argh.